Richard J. Bauckham

Richard Bauckham (M.A., Ph.D. Cambridge; F.B.A.; F.R.S.E) is a widely published scholar in theology, historical theology and New Testament. He is currently working on New Testament Christology and the Gospel of John as a Senior Scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Until 2007, Dr. Bauckham was Professor of New Testament Studies and Bishop Wardlaw Professor in the University of St Andrews. He is currently Senior Scholar at Ridley Hall in Cambridge, and a Visiting Professor at St Mellitus College in London. He was born in London in 1946, and studied at the University of Cambridge, where he read history at Clare College (196672) and was a Fellow of St John's College (197275). He taught theology for one year at the University of Leeds, and for fifteen years at the University of Manchester (19771992), where he was Lecturer, then Reader in the History of Christian Thought, before moving to St Andrews in 1992. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.


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